It's officially 2017 so, here's to all things and happiness to you all and a better economy for our country!
Since this gathering, of 14, was held on Christmas Eve I wasn't able to share this post prior. I'm hoping that you may still enjoy seeing what I pulled together for this year.
Since this gathering, of 14, was held on Christmas Eve I wasn't able to share this post prior. I'm hoping that you may still enjoy seeing what I pulled together for this year.
It was my turn to host our get-together for my family in Myrtle Beach. Thank goodness our kitchen and dining area is quite a nice size, since I had to fit in fourteen.
I have managed to squeeze as many as 17, in the past, by utilizing every square inch of space!
This was the inspiration for my theme this year....if you'd like, you can see it here
Cell phone pics of the tablesczpes were my first shots.
Black, white and red just had to be the color scheme with gingham to make it dramatic.
The eye-popping colors of the layered place settings really were dramatic.
Plate chargers are my newest love. I have a set, in black, for every day. They don't stain like placemats can and really save a tablecloth from spills!
Since I didn't have enough glass tags, words of the season identified the wine glasses and a white marker made them easy to write on and wash off.
Our everyday round table sat 6...
with a black lantern as the centerpiece.
I love to add a little something special t the chairs. Each one had a faux chalkboard name tag accent.
Berries, bells and lanterns were everywhere around the room.
Lighting can often be a big challenge for me, as you can clearly see here. I've added a few of them anyway. I was in a rush to get the pics and finish prepping for the day.
Berries, bells and lanterns were everywhere around the room.
Lighting can often be a big challenge for me, as you can clearly see here. I've added a few of them anyway. I was in a rush to get the pics and finish prepping for the day.

Everyone got a faux mercury or red glass votive holder as a gift.
This pic is nice and bright and shows you where I sat four more at our litchen island.
Six more sat at the long table with all guests facing the others.
We had just enough room to move around the room to mingle and get hings done.
Another lantern with red berries and a single silver bell was set on a dollar store tray. For fun and contrast I filled it with more bells, cranberries, and faux snow.
This little mirrored votive vignette flanked the tray to create a nice long centerpiece for the table.
This was the view as everyone arrived.
It was absolutely perfect with our kitchen decor!
This is how I cover plain old folding chairs. It's my little creation that I made up a few years ago.
It's one of my most popular posts that always gets pinned and shared!
Here's how I made them here
Now, here are more pics from around the room.
My faux chalkboard window got a quick message with my trusty white marker.
I took advantage of another place to use as a station to hold more things to fill our glasses/
To avoid messy spills from the champagne in the cooler I made a little beverage stand.
1-a clear plastic tray to protect the gingham placemat
2-a pedestal was made by inverting an ironstone compote
3-a red paper place was set beneath for a pop of red
4-the mirror was placed on the plate to add more stability...the plate was just not perfectly flat in the center.
5- the folded square Battenburg napkin was added "just because"
I ordered even smaller cardstock lanterns that were to be placed at each setting for every guest. I was so disappointed that they never arrived!
More of the window scene can be seen in the link at the beginning of this post.
This old country cupboard hides our tv, printer, files and tons of supplies. I just drape each one over each hook on the sides when we need access.
Chandy's always need to be festive.
A cutting board or tray, set on an open drawer, can work well as an extra serving place as long as it won't interfere with traffic.
Three buckets of oysters were brought, by my nephew, as part of the beginning of our feast.
Complete with his portable oyster shucking set up!
This was the trifle that we had for dessert
Honey and I went to the beach on Christmas day. The temperature dropped by 10 degrees. My outfit was more for the photo op.
Honey and I went to the beach on Christmas day. The temperature dropped by 10 degrees. My outfit was more for the photo op.
This might make a really cute card for Christmas next year!
This one will be for my honey's wallet :)
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
and Gucci, too!
And......this post was honored as a feature pick over at shoestringelagance
and over at embracingchange
Thank you, Theresa and Stacey!
Now, on to linking to parties here
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